
Beyond The Paycheck

Episode 35 Dr. Sally Palaian on Couples and Money

by | Jan 31, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

In the second of our two-part series with Dr. Sally Palaian, we take a closer look at couples and money. As with all things in marriage, communication is key. Everyone has their own story, behaviors, dreams, aspirations, disappointments, hopes, and ideas about what money is and what money’s not. As we referenced in our previous episode, it is often formed by your upbringing.

If you are entering a partnership with someone, it is essential to talk about money, how the finances will be set up and how they will be discussed. Sometimes there is some level of interdependency. Opposites attract, as we know. And often, a spender and a saver may pair up.

Dr. Sally goes through some possible solutions to money disagreements today. If internal communication in the relationship isn’t enough, you can seek help. And you don’t have to start with a mental health professional – you can begin with a CPA or financial advisor.

Often, the money relationship in a couple can be tied to power. That’s why it’s so important to educate yourself about money, and all money matters.

More on Dr. Sally Palaian: https://www.positiveselfcenter.com/

Sally’s book, Spent: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1592856993

Paula’s Website: https://paulachristine.com/

Paula’s Email: Paula@PaulaChristine.com